differences between government grants and loans

Do you or your family need financial help to meet a personal need? Do you work for a nonprofit organization that needs assistance completing a project? Perhaps you have heard that the Government offers financial aid, but you do not know what type of assistance you could access and where to find out. The first thing you should be clear about is that there are two types of financial aid offered by the Government and that each of them has different eligibility requirements.

Subsidies or “grants”

Subsidies or “grants” are financial aid to finance projects or to provide public services, and are only available to non-profit organizations, universities, states and local governments. Note that:

  • Most government grant funding opportunities are not for individuals.
  • If you find information on the internet or elsewhere claiming that the government offers grants or “free money” to people to start a business or help pay bills, don’t believe it, it may be a scam.
  • If you’re part of an organization that you think may be eligible for a US Government grant, find free information about available grants, tips, and tools to help you through the application process .


The Government makes loans to people for specific purposes, such as to help finance education, to assist with housing needs, or in response to an emergency or crisis. Note that:

  • Loans, unlike grants, must be repaid in payments that are often with interest.
  • If what you need is money to cover a personal need, you may be eligible for one of the loans granted by the Government.
  • To search for government loans, use the federal government’s free official website Gov Loans.gov, where you can access information on loans for agriculture, business, disaster assistance, education, housing, and veterans. Find out if you are eligible for a government loan using the online pre-screening tool .

How much does the IMSS give you in aid for marriage expenses?

Did you get married and ‘throw the house out the window’? We explain what are the requirements and process to request help for marriage expenses from the IMSS

How much does IMSS lend me if I want to get married? 

The amount of the IMSS aid for marriage expenses is equivalent to 30 days of the minimum wage in force on the date of the marriage. (It is determined considering the daily value of a Unit of Measurement and Update (UMA)).

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What requirements must I meet?

  • Have a minimum of 150 weeks quoted before the Institute in retirement insurance, unemployment in advanced age and old age, on the date of celebration of the marriage. 
  • Not having exercised this benefit previously. 
  • In the event that another spouse is registered as a beneficiary, prove the dissolution of said marriage bond or, prove their death. 
  • That any of the spouses (who requests financial support or with whom you are going to marry has not previously been registered in the Institute with that quality). 
  • Be valid as insured. 
  • That the civil marriage was celebrated after June 30, 1997. 

Now that you can calculate how much extra money you can count on to make your ‘love nest’, you must gather some necessary paperwork to start the process. 

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These are the documents you need:

Application for financial aid (It is filled out in the office by IMSS staff and you must sign it). 

From the insured:

  • Official identification with photograph and signature, valid. (Certified and simple copy).
  • Any document or means of identification issued by the IMSS, INFONAVIT or an AFORE that contains the Social Security Number and the name of the insured or pensioner. (certified and simple copy). 
  • Printout of the CURP (Unique Population Registry Key) obtained through the National Population Registry. (simple copy).
  • Printing of the account statement of the AFORE that manages the individual account or contract signed with the AFORE, not older than six months prior to the date of the request. (simple copy). 
  • Certified copy of the Marriage Certificate issued by the offices or courts of the State Civil Registry or Mexico City. (The original or certified copy will remain in the file).  

*The IMSS details that the certified copy of the documents that are presented will be returned to the interested party once the simple copy that is attached has been collated. 

*It is not necessary that the certified copy of the marriage certificate presented by the insured for the procedure be recently issued. 

Your Afore helps you with marriage expenses

The support for marriage expenses granted by the Afores to affiliated persons is equivalent to 30 times the UMA.

Your wedding is near and you don’t have enough to pay for it? Don’t worry about getting godparents. If you are a worker or worker and you are insured through an Afore , you can receive help to complete the budget for the party, the honeymoon or for any other unforeseen expense.

The Withdrawal for Marriage Expenses is a benefit to which people affiliated with any of the 10 Afores that operate in Mexico are entitled and that allows them to make a partial withdrawal from their individual account, equivalent to 30 times the value of the Unit of Measure and Update (UMA) to the date of the celebration.

According to the daily value of the UMA for this year 2022, the amount granted would be 2,886 pesos.Afores “behaved better” in the third quarter; claims down 58%

It is important that you bear in mind that this partial withdrawal does not subtract weeks of contribution and can be requested only once after having married.

What do you need to apply for marriage support?

Before starting the process, you must confirm that you comply with the following:

  • Have been married between July 1, 1997 to date .
  • Have at least 150 weeks listed in the IMSS before the date of civil marriage.
  • Not having requested this withdrawal previously.
  • Be active in the IMSS or have married within 90 business days from the date of withdrawal.
  • Have a complete Electronic File (data, documents, fingerprints and facial biometrics). If you still do not have this, contact your AFORE to generate it.

Where can I request it?

Forget the lines. The National Retirement Savings System Commission (CONSAR) streamlined this procedure, which you can carry out through the AforeMóvil application .

Police Vehicle Grants

The Wal-Mart Community Grants Program

Wal-Mart’s Community Grants Program will match funds raised by police officers with a grant. This means that if your group raises $5,000 for new vehicles, Wal-Mart could give you a $5,000 matching grant. On average, Wal-Mart awards 70,000 to 80,000 matching grants a year. The application has open deadlines, which means that a group can apply at any time during the year. In 2009, the program awarded $61 million in grants. Wal-Mart Foundation Walmartfoundation.org

Special Program Assistance Grants for Necessary Assets for Tactical Officers (SPA-NTOA)

This special program assistance grant is specifically to equip SWAT teams with vehicles and equipment that they may not have the funds to obtain. To apply for the SPA-NTOA grants there must be an NTOA team in place. This is an equipment donation program; money is not awarded. The equipment and vehicles are sent directly to the police headquarters. National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) PO Box 797 Doylestown, PA 18901 ntoa.orgRELATED:   How To Get Certified From A Land Rover Dealer

Department of Transportation: Border Enforcement Grant Program

The Border Control Grant Program is for state and local law enforcement in the following states; Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Texas, Vermont, and Washington. Typically, the grant awards between 10,000 and 12,000 grants a year totaling $32 million. The grant is designed to help police and law enforcement officers carry out their responsibilities in their jurisdictions. Grants are not limited to vehicles and can also be used for equipment and training. US Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Ave. SE Washington, DC 20590202-366-3771 dot.gov

USDA ARRA Special Vehicles and Equipment Initiative

Public entities such as municipalities, counties, and others in rural areas with towns of 20,000 or fewer are eligible for vehicle loans and grants through USDA Rural Development. The amount of grant assistance for project costs depends on the median household income of the service area and the population of the community where the vehicle is located, as well as the availability of grant funds. In most cases, projects that receive grants have a high priority and are highly leveraged with other loans and grants. Grant assistance may be available for up to 75 percent of eligible project costs. Grant funding limitations are based on population and income, economic viability and availability of funds. USDA Rural Development 1400 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20250-0107 rurdev.usda.gov

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA)

On March 11, 2021, the President signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) which expands certain federal unemployment programs authorized by the CARES Act , including Pandemic Unemployment Assistance ( PUA).

  • It will provide an additional 29 weeks of benefits, for a maximum of 79 weeks. The 29-week extension will be paid beginning with the benefit week ending March 20, 2021;
  • The PUA program has been extended through the benefit week ending September 4, 2021.
  • Weekly certifications will continue to be required. Under federal law, individuals who have exhausted benefits will not be eligible for benefit weeks prior to the benefit week ending March 20, 2021. Eligible claimants may apply for ARPA benefits beginning March 21 2021 and benefits will be paid beginning March 22, 2021.
  • All applicants receiving a PUA payment on or after December 27, 2020, must submit documentation of prior employment or self-employment, or planned employment or self-employment during the most recent tax year that ended earlier. from the date they filed their PUA application. Learn more about PUA employment verification .

PUA provides benefits to individuals who have exhausted their rights or are ineligible for any other unemployment program under state or federal law.


Below are key resources that can help eligible grant applicants find information about federal grants, loans, and non-financial assistance, as well as private funding as well.

Click here to jump to a section below:

  • Find Information 
  • Primary Sources of Federal Funding Information 
  • Other federal sources 
  • Private and Corporate Financing

Prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) for the United States Senate, updated May 2014.


  1. Find out who is eligible for a scholarship ? Other government websites may be more suitable for  personal needs ,  student loans ,  small business assistance , or other  business opportunities such as government contracting. The Government Benefits, Scholarships and Financial Aid web page   may also be of help.
  2. If you’re eligible, find programs in the  Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance  (CFDA). Includes grants, loans, business aid, and non-financial information.
  3. Contact the federal office listed in the CFDA program description: If the state or local office is listed, visit  the Agency Regional Offices  at the top of the CFDA web page to find addresses.
  4. Go to the federal agency websites given in the description of each CFDA program for more information and for the administration of the state agencies responsible for managing these programs.
  5. Check current federal scholarship opportunities at  Grants.gov , get a  Dun and Bradstreet  (DUNS) number, register with the  System for Awards Management  (SAM), and apply online ( links and instructions given on each website). Additional notices appear on  FedConnect .
  6. Look for foundations for project funding: Use the  Fundación Centro  or  Fundación Centro Cooperating Collections website  at libraries to identify national, state, and community foundations.
  7. Learn How to Write Grant Proposals: Follow the development steps of CFDAs and  Grant ProposalsWriting , or take the Center Foundation’s free course to learn how to write proposals 

Help for marriage expenses before the IMSS

Are you insured by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS); and did you contract a civil marriage? You can request help for marriage expenses, in which the daily value of the Unit of Measurement and Update (UMA) is considered on the date of celebration of your civil marriage for 30 days.

Document requiredPresentation
Application for granting aid. It will be filled out by the staff of the Retirement Fund Administrator (Afore), which manages your individual account
Official identification with photograph and signature (valid in accordance with the legislation that applies to each of them),In the case of Mexicans:ADIMSS credential.Credential to vote, issued by the National Electoral Institute or by the Federal Electoral Institute, until its validity expires.Passport issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.National Military Service Card issued by the Secretary of National Defense, with counterstamp (if applicable).Document with photograph and signature, issued by the Mayor’s Office (previously Delegation) or Municipality where the interested party resides, through which the identity of the same is stated.Naturalization Letter.In the case of foreigners:Passport.Immigration document issued by the Consular Offices of Mexico abroad:Temporary residence visa.Student temporary resident visa.Permanent residence visa.Visitor visa without permission to carry out paid activities.Visitor visa with permission to carry out paid activities.Residence card, issued by the National Migration Institute.ADIMSS credential.
Any document or means of identification issued by the IMSS, the Institute of the National Workers’ Housing Fund (INFONAVIT) or a Retirement Fund Administrator (AFORE), which contains the Social Security Number (NSS) and the name of the insured or pensioner

Beautiful ways to give money at a wedding:

One of the big questions when one is invited is… non profit organisation provide loan for wedding Having to ask for the account number is something very cold, don’t you think? Although some say that it is the most practical. But if the bride and groom are capable of thinking about their wedding in an original way, with lots of details and wanting to surprise… why not surprise them too?

Let’s assume that you have decided to give them money… Don’t stay with the classic envelope! There are as many ways to give it to him as there are grooming styles… infinite! But yes, it is normal that you first think, how much money do I have to give at the wedding? And once you are clear about how much you have to think about how to deliver it. You have a wide variety of options to surprise the bride and groom when you give them the gift. You just need to put a little imagination and think of something that relates or characterizes them and the intention that you have:

Financial support for adult learners

Scholarships and grants for post-compulsory and higher non-university education

Adults who attend non-university post-compulsory education can opt for these general scholarships and grants when they are studying: baccalaureate, intermediate and higher level vocational training ( FP ), professional artistic education or sports education, either in the ordinary modality or in specific modalities for adults, in which the partial enrollment offer is included. This procedure is the same as that indicated for the rest of the student body in financing secondary education . 

Said scholarship may include the following components: 

  • for students of all post-compulsory education:
    • schooling in centers not supported by public funds;
    • displacement;
    • home;
    • material and city supplements, intended to defray the higher costs related to education that occur in towns with the largest number of inhabitants.

The student body:

  • must enroll, at least, in a number of modules whose hourly sum is equal to or greater than 500 hours
  • You must pass all subjects, subjects or modules enrolled to maintain the scholarship for the following year.

The duration of the scholarship can exceed the duration of the study plan by one year.

Scholarships for students who study languages ​​in Official Schools

They can get a scholarship as long as they enroll in a full course.

The scholarship includes:

  • school fees ;
  • travel expenses ;
  • school supplies.

This scholarship can be enjoyed for the number of years necessary to complete the study plan and for a maximum of two languages.

These scholarships are included in the call for general scholarships for students pursuing post-compulsory studies:

Scholarships for university education

The scholarship that can cover tuition, travel and material. This procedure is the same indicated for the rest of the student body in the  financing of higher education .

Adults can opt for general scholarships and grants aimed at taking university courses in the Spanish university system at Spanish centers and valid throughout the national territory:

  • university education leading to official bachelor’s and master’s degrees, including bachelor’s and master’s degrees completed at defense and civil guard university centres;
  • preparation course for university access for people over 25 years of age taught by public universities;
  • training supplements to access or obtain the master’s degree and complementary credits to obtain the degree. Scholarships for studies corresponding to the third cycle or doctorate, specialization studies or university degrees are not included in this call. 

Aid for vocational training for employment

The educational and labor administrations offer aid to people who participate in vocational training for employment, are unemployed and meet the established requirements.

They can be for:

  • transport;
  • maintenance;
  • accommodation;
  • conciliation with the care of children under 6 years of age or dependent family members.

In addition to the grants mentioned, the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy grants scholarships to people:

  • with disabilities;
  • with special needs;
  • who have difficulties in their professional insertion or requalification ;
  • who participate in specific programs established by the State Public Employment Service ( SEPE)  or by the employment services of the autonomous communities.

Grants in private education

The private training offer for adults, both face-to-face and remote, is taught in different centers depending on whether it is framed in the educational or labor field, or whether it is teaching aimed at obtaining an official degree or not:

  • ordinary educational centers;
  • specific adult education centers;
  • associations;
  • foundations;
  • Business;
  • business and trade union organizations, etc. 

The teachings that lead to the obtaining of official titles of the educational system must be taught in ordinary centers or in specific centers of adult education.

In the 2020/21 academic year there were a total of 62 private centers for adults compared to 2,164 public centers. In his view, private centers can be concerted or not concerted.



The schooling subsidy or base subsidy constitutes a public financing system that is carried out through a monthly payment to the holder of subsidized municipal and private establishments (article 9 of the Subsidies Law).


There are different types of subsidies, which are explained below:

1. Boarding School Subsidy:
It is a subsidy that is paid to Educational Establishments, for the accommodation and food of boarding students. It allows educational attention to students with access problems, either due to mobilization or territorial distance.
The unit amount for food and accommodation is set annually by the Ministry of
Education, in conjunction with the Ministry of Finance, by Supreme Decree, and may not be less than 0.1563 USE per day.

2. Pro-Retention Educational Grant:
The State pays an annual amount of between $90,000.- and $215,000.- additional pesos (approximately), to the supporters of subsidized municipal and private establishments that certify having enrolled and retained students who are enrolled between seventh grade and fourth grade or who graduate from this last level and belong to the Chile Solidario Program, according to the results obtained in their Socioeconomic Qualification (RSH), determined by the Ministry of Social Development.
Payment period: between the months of April and June of each year.

3. Educational Reinforcement Subsidy:
It is an amount that is paid to the subsidized Educational Establishments, which carry out reinforcement and support courses for those students who have obtained poor performance, considering preferably those who attend students of greater social risk.
Valid during the second semester of each year.

4. Preferential School Subsidy:
The Preferred School Subsidy (SEP) is an additional subsidy that is delivered to educational establishments that serve priority students and as of 2016 preferential students are incorporated into the SEP. To enter the SEP, the supporters of each educational establishment sign an Agreement on Equal Opportunities and Educational Excellence with the Ministry of Education, through which they undertake to deliver certain benefits to priority students and acquire a series of commitments that aim to improve learning outcomes for all students. For these purposes, the educational establishment receives more resources, and must prepare an educational improvement plan in which it must contain the set of actions that it will carry out during the school period,

5. Annual Subsidy for Maintenance Support:
It is an annual subsidy to support the maintenance of free education establishments and shared financing, whose amount per student is determined according to the level and mode of education, having also added an annual amount per male or female intern served.
The purpose of this subsidy is to support the financing of the expenses incurred in the maintenance of the Educational Establishments, such as the conservation, repair and replacement works necessary for the adequate physical conservation of the premises, their equipment and furniture and other similar, without detriment of the other resources that the holder assigns for these purposes. Establishments that have inpatient services are also entitled to this subsidy.
Payment period, occurs in the months of January of each year and is 100% of the amount, if the establishment serves its students in a day shift and only 50% if the establishment serves more than one day shift or share premises with another establishment.
Additionally, the law establishes for shared financing establishments, a deduction to be applied on this subsidy, equivalent to the percentage of the discount according to the average monthly charge, on the base subsidy received by this establishment the previous year.