How much does the IMSS give you in aid for marriage expenses?

Did you get married and ‘throw the house out the window’? We explain what are the requirements and process to request help for marriage expenses from the IMSS

How much does IMSS lend me if I want to get married? 

The amount of the IMSS aid for marriage expenses is equivalent to 30 days of the minimum wage in force on the date of the marriage. (It is determined considering the daily value of a Unit of Measurement and Update (UMA)).

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What requirements must I meet?

  • Have a minimum of 150 weeks quoted before the Institute in retirement insurance, unemployment in advanced age and old age, on the date of celebration of the marriage. 
  • Not having exercised this benefit previously. 
  • In the event that another spouse is registered as a beneficiary, prove the dissolution of said marriage bond or, prove their death. 
  • That any of the spouses (who requests financial support or with whom you are going to marry has not previously been registered in the Institute with that quality). 
  • Be valid as insured. 
  • That the civil marriage was celebrated after June 30, 1997. 

Now that you can calculate how much extra money you can count on to make your ‘love nest’, you must gather some necessary paperwork to start the process. 

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These are the documents you need:

Application for financial aid (It is filled out in the office by IMSS staff and you must sign it). 

From the insured:

  • Official identification with photograph and signature, valid. (Certified and simple copy).
  • Any document or means of identification issued by the IMSS, INFONAVIT or an AFORE that contains the Social Security Number and the name of the insured or pensioner. (certified and simple copy). 
  • Printout of the CURP (Unique Population Registry Key) obtained through the National Population Registry. (simple copy).
  • Printing of the account statement of the AFORE that manages the individual account or contract signed with the AFORE, not older than six months prior to the date of the request. (simple copy). 
  • Certified copy of the Marriage Certificate issued by the offices or courts of the State Civil Registry or Mexico City. (The original or certified copy will remain in the file).  

*The IMSS details that the certified copy of the documents that are presented will be returned to the interested party once the simple copy that is attached has been collated. 

*It is not necessary that the certified copy of the marriage certificate presented by the insured for the procedure be recently issued. 

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